Wednesday, November 26, 2008

More Front Yard Goodness...

The front yards in Tallahassee continue to amaze me. We of course had the "whale yard" which I critiqued back in July. And I'm almost ashamed to admit that the spectacular display seen above was recently erected in my own neighborhood. (After which the Home Owners Association created a litany of rules about what one can and cannot do in their front yards). Astonishing.

Why you many ask? Is it not normal for a homeowner to recreate a pond/woodsy/hobbit scene for all to admire?

I was thinking about walking over and hopping in the pond for a quick swim after work one day. Maybe I'll set up tent and go fishing on a Saturday afternoon. Or perhaps get in some riffle practice - that deer looks enticing. After all, why create such goodness if it can't be enjoyed?

Who needs several acres of land when you can fit an entire forest scene into one pint-sized front yard? Damn the economy - we have innovation.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Beer: Not Just For Old Geezers

I continue to espouse that Tallahassee is home to many strange occurrences. And the day I met this fine young 2 year old was no different. Seems this spry fellow has quite an affinity for beer. No, we're not talking root beer. Rather, a good ole' fashioned alcoholic beverage that will get this little one tanked.

You might be way, he's not actually drinking. For those skeptics - let me simply say, yes. Yes he was. Actually, I am told that he really likes the taste of beer. (I think this is apparent.) That's comforting. A mini-alcoholic in the making.

I can see the ad campaign now:
(Insert beer company) For the young-at-heart....and the young.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Aussie Goes Overboard?

For those that haven't seen the new Aussie hair care commercial - feast your eyes on this. Go ahead. Watch it.

Actually, the first 10 seconds is all you'll need. Perhaps then you'll share in my sentiments as I scratch my head saying.......WTF?!? Where in the heck did that Aussie bottle pop out from? Please tell me it wasn't the poop shoot. Is it really necessary for a bottle of anything to be shooting out of anywhere? How in the world does this make the product more enticing?

I think it's confirmed. This commercial will actually make me stay away from the product. And by stay away....I mean run in the opposite direction.

Kelly + Aussie = Opposites that won't attract

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Terror....

Strange things have been happening lately in Tallahassee. Exhibit A: the shirtless speedo-wearing biker that roams the city streets with no apparent final destination. (You can thank my co-worker Kristin for hastily swerving off the road and nearly killing us to get this picture.)

If our behavior isn't example enough, let me say that this exhibitionist is becoming quite the celebrity around town. Traumatizing residents with his aimless hours of half-naked riding. It's about the journey, not the destination......right?

Where is he going? I want to know. I need to know.

Mr. skin-bearing biker is gaining so much notoriety, perhaps our agency should consider loading him up with a url for exposure. A traveling billboard at its best?

If nothing else, this brave biker deserves a little credit for pulling off some clothing necessities. No - not literally pulling off pieces of clothing you would consider a necessity. But braving new fashion trends. Tube socks, head band and a gold-plated necklace. A word of warning before you hit the catwalk: it's not every day that someone rocks a look like this with the style and pizazz of Mr. skin himself.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tacos and Chocolate?

Some things in life just seem to "fit." Peanut butter and Jelly. Red beans and Rice. Mac and Cheese. Even a Wendy's Frosty and French Fries (although that might be stretching it a bit for some).

But what about tacos and chocolate?
(Don't throw up just yet.) A good friend recently introduced me to the infamous "Choco Taco."

As, I am quickly schooled in the oddly flavored world of the Choco Taco, I learn that the "taco" is actually all for looks. No ground beef and Tabasco sauce found in this treat my compadres. It's 100% ice cream. Apparently people like devouring a delectable dessert shaped like something they may have just had for dinner?

I'd personally like to meet the genius that thought the concept of mixing chocolate and tacos would be a big money maker. Perhaps that's the reason it took us five convenient stores to effectively locate and one and only: Choco Taco. (Although as you can tell from the picture - it seems the wild goose chase was well worth it - considering it curbed the 'ever so hard to satisfy' taco shaped addiction.)

Perhaps these chocolate loving taco eaters are all that's needed to keep the trend alive. I feel like you all deserve medals or something of the sort. Eat on Choco Taco lovers, eat on.

Monday, August 18, 2008

London Logo Fiasco

With only days left in the Beijing Olympic games, I thought it appropriate to take a look at what our next summer games would bring us. Yes, for those that aren't aware - we'll be battling it out in the good ole' U of K. London to be exact.

While the games themselves always prove to sufficiently entertain, I can't say that the actual Olympic logo itself ever causes a stir. Until now.

I present the 2012 London Olympic logo fiasco. Quick review of the facts:
  • London swallows an $800,000 bill for the mark.
  • Opposers say it resembles a swastika and looks like graffiti — two things London is not about and should not aspire to.
  • An animated web version caused a reported 10 epileptic seizures.
You just can't make this kind of stuff up! It's branding gold.

As of now, it seems London officials are showing no signs of altering the look. As one London newspaper correspondent states: the logo will grow on us....but then again so does foot fungus.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's Nice to Feel Appreciated

When is the last time you received a hand written thank you? What about a hand written thank you from a hotel restaurant??

I must admit - Old Hickory Steakhouse - you're my first. ;-)

Talk about a personalized customer appreciation initiative. My husband and I recently dined at Old Hickory in the Orlando Gaylord Palms Resort. To my surprise, the following morning the above personalized note was awaiting me underneath the door. I felt like a kid at Christmas. (Alright, that's a bit of an exaggeration - but you get the point).

Short, sweet and simple. It's the little things that keep you coming back for more.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Start Your Engines

Our agency has started its engines with a progressive and "in your face" motorcycle awareness campaign. And here, our soon-to-be Hotlanta bound media director, Michelle Marts, is taking the "in your face" approach quite literally as she tests out the movie theater cut-out display.

Termed "Ride Proud. Dress Loud" this campaign urges bikers to wear more visible clothing so they don't end up blending in with the pavement. Honorable? To say the least - it's lifesaving. How often can you say that you helped save a life with only a computer, telephone and ruthless media pitch?

It's been great following along with the conversations this campaign has revved up. Read some of the articles and blogs here or here.

Needless to say, a first step in the right direction. As one journalist notes: "
it's going to be a hard, uphill drive in low gear on the pot-holed dirt road of social custom and group self-image."

Welcome to the world of PR!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Whale of a Time

Today, I had the distinct pleasure of driving by one of the most divine and intriguingly bizarre front yards in Tallahassee. Dare I say....I had a whale of a time. Yes, look closely. Not just one gigantic, plastic whale spouting water while frolicking about in the grass. No my friends, an entire family of whales. Babies, daddies, mommies. Driving by this yard I practically feel like I'm in the middle of the deep blue. Who wouldn't?

Can you imagine waking up to this scene every morning? I wonder if they have names.

What's even more ironic is that my husband has a somewhat fabricated "fear" of whales. As we drove by, I had to look over just to be certain he wasn't having a heart attack. Can you see that headline? "Tallahassee resident dies while driving by whale yard. Wife quoted saying: I never thought I had to worry about his fear of whales on land."

Hats off to fake whales and the people who keep them as pets.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Going the Distance

So when’s the last time you ran the distance? Swam until it burned? Rode a horse like it was your J-O-B?

Ok, ok – very unlikely that any of you have ridden a horse in that manner. Ever. Thank God.

But for those athletes kicking butt and taking names in preparation for the Summer Games in Beijing a very nifty non-profit, America for Gold, was just launched. The goal? To help fund U.S. athlete training.

Cool idea to help support those representing us all.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Has it really happened?

It is true that I'm finally giving way to the 21st century? Yes. Alas, my first blog entry.

As of today, I proclaim myself no longer on the sidelines of this social media blitz. And to be fair....I must give credit where credit is due. It seems this leap into the 21st century was a result of some pushing, prodding, mean stares and harassment by fellow agency co-workers. Many thanks to them.

Where would I be without these technology-minded, twitter-friendly, face-booking, blog-ilicious gurus? Probably still using Internet Explorer.

So cheers team. I've officially crossed....the starting line. (With much help from Shekira for my blogging identity. This was of course the final piece contributing to my procrastination.)

Stay tuned as the adventures of Kelly in the 21st century unfold.