Sunday, May 31, 2009

Repairs Gone Bad

Nothing like a sense of humor when it comes to wrecking your car. I stumbled past this looker coming out of a coffee shop. Don't be jealous.

Last I checked, when someone gets into an accident, you do anything possible to either A) fix it, or B) minimize the damage. I wonder if this is their idea of a temporary or permanent solution? Would you go through the lengths to write "Ouch!!!" with a sharpie if it was just a quick fix?

And why Ouch? Shouldn't it read: my driver is a dumb ass.

Nonetheless, I have to respect this positive outlook on life. While a wrecked front hood would have ruined my day - someone else is able to throw a band aid on it and order a cafe mocha. Nothing like a good caffeine high to take away the problems.


Suzanne said...

You have got to be kidding me. How do you come across this stuff? So, did you order a mocha. I hope so after seeing that. CRAZY!! You always entertain me!

The Couch Commando said...

Kelly did it just so she would have an idea for a blog post!