Sunday, September 28, 2008

Aussie Goes Overboard?

For those that haven't seen the new Aussie hair care commercial - feast your eyes on this. Go ahead. Watch it.

Actually, the first 10 seconds is all you'll need. Perhaps then you'll share in my sentiments as I scratch my head saying.......WTF?!? Where in the heck did that Aussie bottle pop out from? Please tell me it wasn't the poop shoot. Is it really necessary for a bottle of anything to be shooting out of anywhere? How in the world does this make the product more enticing?

I think it's confirmed. This commercial will actually make me stay away from the product. And by stay away....I mean run in the opposite direction.

Kelly + Aussie = Opposites that won't attract

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Terror....

Strange things have been happening lately in Tallahassee. Exhibit A: the shirtless speedo-wearing biker that roams the city streets with no apparent final destination. (You can thank my co-worker Kristin for hastily swerving off the road and nearly killing us to get this picture.)

If our behavior isn't example enough, let me say that this exhibitionist is becoming quite the celebrity around town. Traumatizing residents with his aimless hours of half-naked riding. It's about the journey, not the destination......right?

Where is he going? I want to know. I need to know.

Mr. skin-bearing biker is gaining so much notoriety, perhaps our agency should consider loading him up with a url for exposure. A traveling billboard at its best?

If nothing else, this brave biker deserves a little credit for pulling off some clothing necessities. No - not literally pulling off pieces of clothing you would consider a necessity. But braving new fashion trends. Tube socks, head band and a gold-plated necklace. A word of warning before you hit the catwalk: it's not every day that someone rocks a look like this with the style and pizazz of Mr. skin himself.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tacos and Chocolate?

Some things in life just seem to "fit." Peanut butter and Jelly. Red beans and Rice. Mac and Cheese. Even a Wendy's Frosty and French Fries (although that might be stretching it a bit for some).

But what about tacos and chocolate?
(Don't throw up just yet.) A good friend recently introduced me to the infamous "Choco Taco."

As, I am quickly schooled in the oddly flavored world of the Choco Taco, I learn that the "taco" is actually all for looks. No ground beef and Tabasco sauce found in this treat my compadres. It's 100% ice cream. Apparently people like devouring a delectable dessert shaped like something they may have just had for dinner?

I'd personally like to meet the genius that thought the concept of mixing chocolate and tacos would be a big money maker. Perhaps that's the reason it took us five convenient stores to effectively locate and one and only: Choco Taco. (Although as you can tell from the picture - it seems the wild goose chase was well worth it - considering it curbed the 'ever so hard to satisfy' taco shaped addiction.)

Perhaps these chocolate loving taco eaters are all that's needed to keep the trend alive. I feel like you all deserve medals or something of the sort. Eat on Choco Taco lovers, eat on.